Club Event Calendar

Current Month


15mar7:00 am5:00 pmSurf Series ContestSurf Series Event #4 Presented by ET Surfboards


05apr7:00 am5:00 pmSurf Series ContestSurf Series Event #5 Presented by Wave Rave Los Angeles

27apr7:00 am5:00 pmSurf Series ContestSurf Series Event #6 Presented by Waterman's Bar & Restuarant


10may7:00 am5:00 pmSurf Series ContestSurf Series Event #7 Presented by Spyder Surfboards

22may6:00 pm10:00 pmMaya and the Wave - QOTSB KickoffQueen of the South Bay Kickoff - Maya and the Wave Screening

31may7:00 pm4:00 pmQueen of the South Bay Surf ContestAll Women's Surf Contest